Advanced Courses & Specialties
Please read the description below before booking!
These prices are only available when booking online!
Advanced Adweturer – 2 days / 30 meters 345,00€ 310,5€
Diver Stress & Rescue – 2 days 395,00€ 355,5€
React Right – 1 day 195,00€ 175,5€
Divemaster – 5 days 585,00€ 765€
Deep Diving – 2 days 345,00€ 310,50€
Nitrox (EAN) – 1 day 245,00€ 220,50€
Wreck Diving – 2 days 345,00€ 310,50€
Night & Limited Visibility – 2 dives / 2 days 295,00€ 265,50€
DPV scooter INTRODUCTION 245,00€ 215€
DPV scooter LICENSE 345,00€ 310,50€
Diving courses and specializations.
Grow and be a better diver. There are two training ways for this. First, develop your qualifications and receive a higher dive rank after completing the diving course. Secondly, learn new skills by joining the diving specialization course. Check out the most popular ones we have selected. By following the link you can read more and book training.
Diving levels in recreational diving.
Beginner Courses. Scuba Diver up to 12 meters deep and Open Water Diver up to 18 meters deep.
Advanced Adventurer
Advanced course with a maximum diving depth of 30 meters.
React Right and Diver Stress & Rescue
First aid training and rescue diver course. Increases safety and experience in the event of an emergency.
The first professional level that allows you to work at the Diving Center as a guide, trainer and assistant instructor.
A level that allows the teaching of beginners and advanced divers. Examines candidates and accepts the granting of diving licenses.
The most useful and interesting specializations.
Deep Diving
Raises the diver’s qualifications to the maximum depth in recreational diving of 40 meters.
EAN Enriched Air Allows divers to use breathing gas enriched with oxygen up to 40%. This allows the diver to stay underwater longer due to the change in the decompression limit.
The underwater scooter is great fun, it allows you to see more spot in one dive.
Wreck Diving
Techniques of penetration sunken shipwrecks with safety ropes.
Night & Limited Visibity
Teaching night diving, safety and navigation rules.